Nintex App studio: live preview


Interviewing Prototyping


The Nintex App Studio application helps people create their own apps using their own content, forms and tasks.


Building and deploying mobile apps can be a slow process; users often got confused about what their app would look like, especially when it could take 60 minutes to build and test and app.


  • After interviewing users, I created a concept for a Live preview that would show key app pages as the user added content.
  • From this concept, I created a prototype that used SVG images to show content being added to a device.
Live preview high fidelity design
Live preview wireframe


The live preview was built and became a key feature of the product.

A related piece of work was “App theming”. Together with Matthew Brown, we created a design system for theming apps with different colours.  This meant the live preview was essential to correctly check the app theme before launch.